Local to VT:
Amnesty International@VT

External to VT: SEAC

PAN info:
Evelyn Thornton & Joe Auth
Evelyn Thornton
Web Design:
Ben Pumphrey

July 30, 2000: The R2K message board (via STARC) is up and running. Check it out.
July 29, 2000: Blah blah blah....
July 28, 2000: Pictures from the Blacksburg Critical Mass (Earth Day) are available!

July 27, 2000: Tent city erected in Northern Philly (full story)

R2D2K: The Philadelphia Direct Action Network (P-DAG), endorsed by almost 200 groups, is coordinating non-violent direct action, with the intention of disrupting the convention, as a protest against Republican policies. Their Call to Action accuses the Republicans of "pushing a racist and sexist corporate agenda which benefits the few at the expense of the many." They are planning actions throughout the Republican convention.
(unashamedly borrowed from philly imc)

The Los Angeles Democratic National Convention Activism web page can be reached at www.d2kla.org

The Progressive Action Network (PAN) was created for the express purpose of...

Aug 21: Classes begin
Sep 4: Labor Day
Nov 18: Fall break begins
Nov 26: Fall break ends
Dec 6: Classes End
Dec 8: Exams begin
Jan 15: Classes begin
Mar 3: Spring Break
May 2: Classes End
May 4: Exams begin

The sole purpose of the text in this and the other columns is to provide an idea of what this webpage will look like with some content. Everything here can be changed.

- Progressive Action Network of Virginia Tech -