Furriness and Funniness

Main Page

Let It Spin

404:  The Comic Strip

Bookworms Unlimited

Hands Across the Water:  Links

So what is furry? Well, furry is funny animals and anthropomorphics - animals given human form. The following links will take you to hot spots of furrydom on the web. check them out and see what furry is all about.

Now a bit of news. Sadly, sources say that Martin Wagner's fantastic independent comic, Hepcats, is no more. Through its life it was plagued with bad press and late shipping dates, yet still managed to build an intriguing, intelligent, and complex story that remains unfinished. Just before new issues were scheduled to ship, Martin Wagner fell out of contact with his publishers and his fans. The final word came from the official Hepcats website, which said simply that Hepcats was finished and there was no longer any need for the page. So with the passing of Hepcats comes the passing of The Official Hepcats Homepage, owned and maintained by Denise Voskuil and part of my furry links page for almost as long as it has been up. One of the last original links. Good-bye, Martin, and good-bye, Joey, Gunther, Arnie, Erica, and the rest of the gang. You will be missed.

Fur Central

Fur Central is run by Captain Packrat and contains some interesting resources. Fur Central is one of the first sites I ever linked to. Fun Trivia to Know and Share: Capt. Packrat was the first person anywhere to list me as an active furry artist. Thanks, Captain!


Formerly the Squeaky Clean Furry Archive, this artists site is now known as YERF! And no, YERF! does not stand for anything, it's just a funny little noise. Check out YERF! for furry artwork by fandom artists.

The Light Bright Page

Michele Light is a former artist for Shanda the Panda and a very good furry artist in general. She keeps up a good page, especially considering that it's an AOL page. This link has never gone dead, and I've never had trouble navigating her site. She is, in short, a genius.

Sabrina Online

A very funny comic strip by a dedicated amiga user. Check it out, it's very funny stuff and very well-drawn.

If you don't see a link here you think I should have, then e-mail it to me at kallisti@slac.com. Please note that no payment has been recieved or given for these links and I do not pay to link to other sites; however, donations of small, unmarked bills are welcome at all times.

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